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yoga in tuscany, yoga healing


Yoga has been one of my generative practices and has supported me in my own personal growth and transformation. 

I believe that with Yoga there is no reward to strive towards, because the practice is the reward and that in every moment that you focus your attention by coming back into your body, your breath and your immediate sensate, you will experience a deep sensation of vibrant stillness and spaciousness.

Our Dojo is an ideal location to practice this ancient and powerful tradition, immersed in the beautiful Tuscan landscape, overlooking our horse paddocks with the vineyards in the distance. 

We offer yoga sessions and workshops which will integrate the somatic and healing approach and teaching that sit at the heart of our own training.

Dojo Bianco Healing Hotel


Localita Marsiliana Podere Imposto 38 Massa Marittima Gr - ITALY


Bebek - Istanbul


Dojo Bianco Healing and Wellbeing Consultancy Ltd.


© 2017 by Dojo Bianco

Barbara Brennan School of Healing
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